
a blog about livingi do a lot of living between worlds.

i’m a girl from midwestern cornfields married to a man from the indian ocean. together, we raise bicultural and biracial children and have family on four continents.

i’ve moved from the pretentious sophistication of the east coast to the peaceful backwardness of the cornfields to the entertaining plasticity of the west coast of the US of A. (hopefully I managed to compliment and offend everyone equally in that statement)

i write when i can, travel the world with my soul mate and sweet kids, teach others how to use words well, and make a mean curry.

i grew up in the American evangelical christian tradition and find my spiritual home in the liturgy of the Anglican church.

i ask more questions than i answer and sometimes find myself on the outskirts looking in.

golden gate

it’s a bridge of sorts, where i can see both sides, translate intended meanings, understand different realities.  sometimes the view is glorious and i can see clearly for miles.  other times it’s foggy and i feel driven over and walked on.

sometimes, living between worlds can grow a little lonely.  it can be confusing, maddening, and exhausting. navigating culture and food and family and race and faith and societal ills – well – it gets a little tricky.  it can be overwhelming to find a link between realities and you just end up staring into thin air, wondering what to do next.

sometimes, it’s just nice to know you’re not alone, and to know somebody’s travelled the road before you, to open up and share what’s gotten tied up in knots within.

but other times, living between worlds can be absolutely beautiful, exhilarating, and restorative.  it keeps me humble, reminding me of my limits and frailty, rooting me in the real, not just culture or circumstance. it keeps me fascinated, amazed at how humans can be so much alike and so very different all at the same time.

if you live on a bridge between too, i invite you to stay awhile. we need each other, even if it’s only to wave and smile every so often from a distance.

(and if you were looking for the boring, factual details about me, you can find some of those here.)

18 thoughts on “About”

  1. I’d like to invite you to participate in my research: “What Do Bloggers Want to Preserve? Defining the ‘Essence’ of User-Generated Content for Preservation.” This study will gain an understanding of how bloggers value their blogs and what elements bloggers think are important for preservation.

    You are being asked to participate because your blog posts are tagged as being related to the theme of travel in one of the blog-hosting services and because your blog is not hosted by any commercial agency. Your participation is completely voluntary.

    The survey is NOW OPEN and will remain open until midnight (EDT) 20 April 2011. If you are interested and would like to part in take the survey, please visit this URL: http://bloggersurvey.web.unc.edu/

    Thank you in advance for considering participation in my study!
    Ayoung Yoon
    Doctoral Student
    University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
    School of Information and Library Science


  2. Hi! I saw your comment on our family blog and thought I’d check yours out! It is so cool, really well done I can tell you’ve put a lot of work to it, looks great! My wife and I are married 10 years. We do lots of cross cultural work and really love it. My wife is practically the only South Indian Christian counselor in the nation – she has her own practice in Barrington, IL called Awakenings Counseling center. http://bit.ly/exjInv


  3. I just started following your blog and I’ve really enjoyed reading it. Like you, I’m American, Christian, and in an intercultural relationship. My fiance is Indian and we are currently living in India. I added your site to my blogroll- hope you don’t mind.

    God bless,


  4. Hi Jody, what a great blog! It strikes a chord with me, because I am a Christian, an adult third-culture kid, and in a cross-cultural marriage (with two bi-racial kids!). I hope to put a link back to your blog from mine.
    Thanks again for all your articles.


  5. Hi, I just found your blog. I’m writing a blog on intercultural relationships like you, with a bit of a focus on South Asia (since my husband is Indian). Hope you don’t mind that I’m adding a link to your site on my blogroll!


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