Books, Families, Children & Marriage

Books on Intercultural Marriage

Just starting out?

Mixed Matches by Joel Croehn. A very detailed and well-researched book that examines interracial, interethnic and interfaith marriages, Mixed Matches helped me start to sort out what qualities were most important to me in a ‘mixed’ marriage.

Intercultural Marriage by Dugan Roman. Romano examines detailed specifics of intercultural marriage such as food, child-rearing, and where to live.  The book contains interviews with couples from many different backgrounds and lays an excellent foundation for what to consider in an intercultural relationship.

Your Intercultural Marriage by Marla Alupoaicei. Your Intercultural Marriage writes specifically to a Christian audience and how to integrate Christian faith values in an intercultural marriage.  It is directed toward those considering intercultural marriage.

Further in?

Just don’t marry one by George and Sherelyn Yancey. Just don’t marry one is a deeper overview of interracial marriage between Christians.  It is a compilation of essays discussing historical perspective, biblical arguments, marriage, and childrearing from a variety of couples.

In love but world apart by Grete Shelling. My favorite so far.  Here’s an in-depth review.

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